Home > The Institute of Many > Join TIM’s Facebook Group

Read about TIM’s Facebook communities and ready to join?

Joining TIM and TIM WOMEN is easier than ever – just click the link below and answer our screening questions:

1. TIM is only open to people living with HIV. Are you a person living with HIV?
2. How did you hear about TIM?
3. Do you identify as a woman living with HIV, and would you like to also join TIM Women?

How does joining work?
Once you apply to join TIM or TIM WOMEN, you’ll be added to the moderating queue to be added. Our volunteer moderators will get you added ASAP.

Click here to join TIM or TIM WOMEN

Should I know anything else before joining?
Before you join, feel free to have a read of the TIM Guidelines and TIM Values, so you can get a sense of what TIM is all about.

Click here to join TIM or TIM WOMEN

If you have any issues joining TIM, please contact us via our public Facebook page.