Home > The Institute of Many > About TIM

I never had my shit together with my HIV before TIM, no support, no camaraderie, no mentors, and I was under-informed… being amongst you all has changed that and subsequently changed me for the better/stronger. – TIM Member, 2015


What is it?

The Institute of Many (TIM) is a peer-run movement for People Living with HIV. Acting as a social umbrella and advocacy platform, we bring HIV positive people together to share their experience of living with HIV in an informal, confidential environment- in person and online.

What Happens?

As well as online membership to the global TIM Facebook group and TIM Women Facebook group, TIM advocates for greater awareness of HIV and People Living with HIV. We do this through our activism, campaigns, and resources.

TIM also arranges casual events via our meet up chapters in most Australian cities. Events range from casual drinks at the pub to outdoor/cultural events, and are open to both positive people and their allies. Attending a TIM event is not an admission of your status.

Through the confidential Facebook groups and meet up events, TIM is an opportunity to make friends, talk, share knowledge & skills, and to bust some outdated myths about living with HIV.

Why are we doing this?

The convenors of TIM feel that we are part of the third wave of People Living with HIV. TIM co-founders Nic Holas and Jeff Lange recognise their privilege and good fortune to be queer men who did not have to endure the initial epidemic of HIV &AIDS, but are old enough to remember it. TIM seeks to pay renton this privilege by activating and supporting the community it represents. TIM believes the greatest resource available toPeople Living with HIV is each other.

What are TIM’s Values?

TIM developed a series of values after consultation with our membership – you can read them here.

 Are there any rules I should know about before joining?

TIM’s digital spaces are moderated according to our values, and some other guidelines. Some of it pretty basic, and some of it very specific to the lived experience of People Living with HIV. They’re on display at the top of every page, but you can read them here if you’re curious about joining.


Join the private Facebook groups or sign up for TIMail.